Gadsden Technical College – Pharmacy Technician School Quincy, Florida

Quincy Pharmacy Technician Schools, Training & Certification
Gadsden County Pharmacy Technician Schools, Training & Certification
32351 Pharmacy Technician Schools, Training & Certification

Gadsden Technical College – Pharmacy Technician Program


Gadsden Technical College (GTC) is located in Quincy, Florida, offering a pharmacy technician program to those interested in entering the field. The college is accredited by the Florida Department of Education and the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education. With this program, GTC is committed to providing students with the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become a successful pharmacy technician.

Program Accreditation

The Pharmacy Technician program offered at GTC is accredited by the Florida Department of Education and the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education. This ensures that the program meets the highest standards in the state of Florida. Additionally, the program is approved by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) and the National Healthcareer Association (NHA).

On-Campus or Online

GTC offers the Pharmacy Technician program on both the Quincy and Havana campus. The Quincy campus is located at 201 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, Quincy, Florida 32351-4415. The Havana campus is located at 528 W 10th Avenue, Havana, Florida 32333-2102. Additionally, the program is available online for those who cannot attend the on-campus classes.

Program Courses

The GTC Pharmacy Technician program includes the following courses:

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  • Ethics and Professionalism
  • Pharmacy Mathematics
  • Pharmaceutical Terminology
  • Pharmacy Law and Regulations
  • Pharmacy Calculations
  • Pharmacy Procedures
  • Pharmacy Technology


In order to apply for the GTC Pharmacy Technician program, students must have a high school diploma or equivalent and must pass a background check. Students must also complete the college’s admissions process, which includes submitting all required documents and completing the online application.

How to Apply

Prospective students can apply online for the Pharmacy Technician program at GTC. The application process includes submitting all required documents, such as proof of high school diploma or equivalent, passing a background check, and completing the online application.

How Long Does the Program Take?

The GTC Pharmacy Technician program is a two-semester program. The first semester includes classes such as Pharmaceutical Terminology, Pharmacy Law and Regulations, and Pharmacy Calculations. The second semester includes classes such as Pharmacy Technology, Pharmacy Procedures, and Ethics and Professionalism.

Program Ratings and Student Reviews

The GTC Pharmacy Technician program has received positive reviews from students who have completed the program. Many students have highlighted the program’s comprehensive curriculum and knowledgeable instructors as key factors in their success.

Average Salary for Certified Pharmacy Technicians

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for certified pharmacy technicians in the state of Florida was $35,150 in 2019. The average salary for pharmacy technicians in the city of Quincy was $35,770 in 2019.


The GTC Pharmacy Technician program is a great opportunity for those interested in becoming pharmacy technicians. The program is accredited, offers on-campus and online classes, and provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the field. With an average salary of $35,770 in Quincy, the program offers a great opportunity for those looking to become a certified pharmacy technician. We encourage you to consider the GTC Pharmacy Technician program and take the first step towards a successful future.

Gadsden Technical College Pharmacy Technician School

Below we’ve included some basic information about Gadsden Technical College.

Gadsden Technical College Address

201 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Quincy, FL 32351


Frequently Asked Questions About Gadsden Technical College

What Type of School is Gadsden Technical College? 2-year, Public

What Pharmacy Technician Degrees or Certificates are Offered? Less than one year certificate;One but less than two years certificate;Two but less than 4 years certificate

What is the Campus Setting? Town: Fringe

Is There Campus Housing? No

What is the Student Population? 49

How Many Undergraduate Students Are There? 49

What is the Gadsden Technical College Graduation Rate? 37%

What is the Transfer Out Rate? NA

Cohort Year: Fall 2018

What is the net cost to attend Gadsden Technical College? $14,310

Largest Program: Barbering/Barber

What is Gadsden Technical College IPEDS ID? 490090

You can view detailed information about the programs or certificates available at Gadsden Technical College on the NCES website.

Pharmacy Technician Salary Florida (average annual salary and hourly wage)

* Cohort Year represents the year students began their studies and applies to Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates.
** Net Price is Average Net Price for 2020-2021 generated for full-time beginning undergraduate students who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from federal, state or local governments or the institution. For public institutions, only students paying the in-state or in-district rate are included. For institutions that charge students by program, the net price is generated for the institution’s largest program.
NA (Not applicable) – Graduation rate, transfer-out rate, and net price do not apply to institutions that do not have full-time, first-time degree-seeking undergraduate students in the applicable cohort year or the financial aid year.

TAGS: Gadsden Technical College, Pharmacy Technician Schools Florida, Pharmacy Technician Schools Quincy, Florida Pharmacy Technician Certification,

Pharmacy Technician Schools, Training & Certification Quincy, Florida