Texarkana College – Pharmacy Technician School Texarkana, Texas

Texarkana Pharmacy Technician Schools
Bowie County Pharmacy Technician Schools
75501 Pharmacy Technician Schools

Pharmacy Technician Program at Texarkana College

The Pharmacy Technician program at Texarkana College is designed to prepare students to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful Pharmacy Technician. This program provides the opportunity to learn the basics of the pharmacy profession, including drug names and effects, proper procedures for dosage calculations, and proper techniques for filling prescriptions. In addition, students will also gain the ability to provide customer service to patients and assist in administrative duties within the pharmacy.

Programs Accreditation

The Pharmacy Technician program at Texarkana College is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Texas State Board of Pharmacy (TSBP). The ACPE is the official accreditation agency for pharmacy education and sets the standards for pharmacy programs in the United States. The TSBP is responsible for ensuring that all pharmacy technicians meet the necessary requirements for licensure in the state of Texas.

On-Campus or Online

The Pharmacy Technician program is offered both on-campus and online at Texarkana College. Students enrolled in the on-campus program will attend classes in an on-campus classroom setting and will be able to take part in hands-on experiences with the supervision of a certified instructor. The online program allows students to access course materials and lectures at their own convenience and complete assignments at their own pace.

Program Courses

The Pharmacy Technician program at Texarkana College consists of the following courses:

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Sponsored Listings
  • Pharmacy Technician I
  • Pharmacy Technician II
  • Pharmacy Law & Regulations
  • Pharmacy Calculations & Dosage Forms
  • Pharmacy Practice & Administration
  • Pharmacy Inventory Management & Compounding


In order to enroll in the Pharmacy Technician program at Texarkana College, students must have a high school diploma or equivalent and must be at least 18 years of age. Additionally, students must submit a completed application and must complete a background check and drug screening before being accepted into the program.

How to Apply

Interested students can apply to the Pharmacy Technician program at Texarkana College by visiting the school’s website and completing the online application. After submitting the application, students must submit the following documents: high school transcripts, a copy of a valid driver’s license or state-issued ID, and proof of residence.

Program Length

The Pharmacy Technician program at Texarkana College can be completed in approximately nine months. Students enrolled in the on-campus program will attend classes three days a week and complete their coursework over the course of two semesters. Those enrolled in the online program will complete their coursework at their own pace and are typically able to complete the program in less than nine months.

Program Ratings & Student Reviews

The Pharmacy Technician program at Texarkana College has been highly rated by students and alumni. Students have praised the program for its comprehensive curriculum, knowledgeable instructors, and hands-on learning experiences. Alumni have also said that the program effectively prepared them to become successful Pharmacy Technicians.


The average salary for a certified Pharmacy Technician in the state of Texas is $34,600 per year. In the city of Texarkana, the average salary is slightly higher at $35,500 per year.


The Pharmacy Technician program at Texarkana College provides students with the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to become successful Pharmacy Technicians. With its comprehensive curriculum, knowledgeable instructors, and hands-on learning experiences, the program is well-equipped to prepare students for a career in the pharmacy field. With the potential to earn an average salary of $35,500 per year in the city of Texarkana, the Pharmacy Technician program is an excellent choice for those interested in pursuing a rewarding career.

Texarkana College Pharmacy Technician School

Below we’ve included some basic information about Texarkana College.

Texarkana College Address

2500 N Robison Rd
Texarkana, TX 75501


Frequently Asked Questions About Texarkana College

What Type of School is Texarkana College? 2-year, Public

What Pharmacy Technician Degrees or Certificates are Offered? Less than one year certificate;One but less than two years certificate;Associate’s degree

What is the Campus Setting? City: Small

Is There Campus Housing? No

What is the Student Population? 3575

How Many Undergraduate Students Are There? 3575

What is the Texarkana College Graduation Rate? 44%

What is the Transfer Out Rate? 7%

Cohort Year: Fall 2018

What is the net cost to attend Texarkana College? $5,609

Largest Program:

What is Texarkana College IPEDS ID? 228699

You can view detailed information about the programs or certificates available at Texarkana College on the NCES website.

Pharmacy Technician Salary Texas (average annual salary and hourly wage)

* Cohort Year represents the year students began their studies and applies to Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates.
** Net Price is Average Net Price for 2020-2021 generated for full-time beginning undergraduate students who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from federal, state or local governments or the institution. For public institutions, only students paying the in-state or in-district rate are included. For institutions that charge students by program, the net price is generated for the institution’s largest program.
NA (Not applicable) – Graduation rate, transfer-out rate, and net price do not apply to institutions that do not have full-time, first-time degree-seeking undergraduate students in the applicable cohort year or the financial aid year.

TAGS: Texarkana College, Pharmacy Technician Schools Texas, Pharmacy Technician Schools Texarkana, Texas Pharmacy Technician Certification,

Pharmacy Technician Schools Texarkana, Texas