Practical Skills You Gain from On-the-job Training

What is On-the-job Training?

On-the-job training (OJT) is a crucial aspect of becoming a successful pharmacy technician. It provides hands-on experience and practical knowledge that cannot be fully gained through textbooks or classroom lectures alone. In this section, we will explore the definition of OJT and the benefits it offers to aspiring pharmacy technicians.


On-the-job training refers to the process of learning and acquiring skills while working in a pharmacy setting. It involves direct supervision and guidance from experienced pharmacists or senior pharmacy technicians. OJT allows individuals to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, gaining proficiency in various tasks and responsibilities required in their role.

During OJT, pharmacy technicians are exposed to different aspects of the profession, such as medication dispensing, inventory management, compounding, and customer service. They learn how to operate pharmacy software systems, handle prescription orders, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.


Engaging in on-the-job training as a pharmacy technician offers several advantages that contribute to professional growth and career development. Some of the key benefits include:

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  • Practical Experience: OJT provides hands-on experience, allowing pharmacy technicians to apply what they have learned in real-world situations. This practical exposure helps develop critical thinking skills and enhances problem-solving abilities.
  • Industry Knowledge: Working alongside experienced professionals exposes pharmacy technicians to the latest industry practices, regulations, and advancements. This knowledge enables them to stay updated with emerging trends and best practices within the field.
  • Professional Network: On-the-job training allows individuals to build connections within the pharmacy industry. Networking with pharmacists, other technicians, and healthcare professionals can open doors to future employment opportunities or mentorship.
  • Increased Confidence: By actively participating in OJT, pharmacy technicians gain confidence in their abilities. They become more comfortable handling various tasks and interacting with patients, resulting in improved communication and customer service skills.
  • Smooth Transition: OJT helps bridge the gap between academic learning and practical application. It eases the transition from classroom to professional practice, enabling pharmacy technicians to adapt quickly to their roles and responsibilities.

It is important to note that on-the-job training varies depending on the pharmacy setting and the specific requirements of each employer. Some pharmacies may offer structured training programs, while others may provide a more informal approach. Regardless of the format, OJT remains a valuable component of a pharmacy technician’s education and career development.

To learn more about the pharmacy technician career and related topics, you can visit reputable websites like the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) or the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Practical Skills Gained from On-the-job Training

On-the-job training plays a crucial role in shaping the skills and abilities of pharmacy technicians. These practical skills not only enable them to perform their duties efficiently but also contribute to their professional growth. In this article, we will explore the essential practical skills gained through on-the-job training that are vital for a successful pharmacy technician career.

Time Management

Effective time management is crucial for pharmacy technicians to ensure smooth operations within a pharmacy setting. During on-the-job training, pharmacy technicians develop the ability to prioritize tasks, handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously, and meet deadlines. They learn how to efficiently manage their time by organizing their work, allocating appropriate time for each task, and avoiding unnecessary delays.

Communication Skills

Pharmacy technicians interact with various healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, patients, and other members of the healthcare team. On-the-job training provides opportunities for pharmacy technicians to enhance their communication skills. They learn to effectively communicate with patients, providing clear instructions regarding medication use and addressing any concerns or questions. Additionally, they develop strong interpersonal skills, allowing them to collaborate and communicate efficiently with other healthcare professionals.

Multi-tasking Abilities

Pharmacy technicians often find themselves handling multiple tasks simultaneously. Through on-the-job training, they acquire the ability to multitask efficiently, ensuring that all responsibilities are fulfilled in a timely manner. They learn to balance various duties such as processing prescriptions, managing inventory, assisting customers, and maintaining a clean and organized work environment.

Problem-Solving Skills

During on-the-job training, pharmacy technicians gain valuable problem-solving skills that enable them to address challenges that may arise in their daily work. They learn to identify and resolve issues related to medication orders, insurance claims, drug interactions, or patient concerns. Pharmacy technicians become adept at analyzing situations, finding appropriate solutions, and seeking assistance when necessary.

Adaptability to Change

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, with new medications, technologies, and regulations emerging regularly. On-the-job training helps pharmacy technicians develop adaptability skills, allowing them to embrace change and stay up-to-date with industry advancements. They learn to quickly adapt to new procedures, technologies, or software systems, ensuring seamless workflow within the pharmacy.

Attention to Detail

Pharmacy technicians are responsible for accurately preparing prescriptions and managing medication inventory. On-the-job training emphasizes the importance of attention to detail in these tasks. Technicians learn to carefully follow instructions, double-check dosages and medication information, and maintain accurate records. This attention to detail helps prevent medication errors and ensures patient safety.

Technical Knowledge and Expertise

On-the-job training provides pharmacy technicians with hands-on experience in various technical aspects of their role. They gain proficiency in operating pharmacy software systems, compounding medications, measuring dosages accurately, and understanding drug interactions. These technical skills are essential for performing their duties efficiently and maintaining the highest standards of patient care.

Interpersonal Skills

Working closely with patients, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals requires strong interpersonal skills. Through on-the-job training, pharmacy technicians develop the ability to build rapport with patients, demonstrate empathy, and effectively communicate with diverse individuals. These interpersonal skills contribute to creating a positive patient experience and fostering collaborative relationships within the healthcare team.

In conclusion, on-the-job training equips pharmacy technicians with a range of practical skills that are essential for success in their career. From time management and communication skills to problem-solving abilities and technical expertise, these skills enable pharmacy technicians to provide efficient and quality care to patients while ensuring smooth operations within the pharmacy setting. Continuous development and refinement of these skills contribute to the professional growth and advancement of pharmacy technicians.
